The SCAMIT Taxonomic Database Tool is a draft general-purpose
tool based on the SCAMIT Edition 7 taxon list, designed to make information readily available
for taxonomists and ecologists:
Database Tool (
Usage guide
Tool development and status
SCAMIT Provisional Species voucher sheets have a long history
going back to the early years of SCAMIT. SCAMIT begin publishing a
Species List of member reported SCB described and provisional
species in 1994 and since 2011 publishes annual updates. The
requirements for acceptance of provisional species voucher sheets
for inclusion on the Species List over the years have varied. The
Species List Review Committee meeting in June 2015 decided to adopt
the following guidelines for the creation, vetting, and acceptance
on the Species List:
SCAMIT Provisional
Voucher Sheet Guidelines [Updated 5 Aug 2022]
The taxon trees conform to Edition 7 (to match the current Taxonomic Database Tool).
In the second half of 2012, a series of “new” Toolbox files were added from agency and individual collections. These files are temporarily renamed with a leading asterisk and are shown in green (e.g. *Aberranta sp SD2.pdf). Once there has been a chance for expert review, the asterisk/green will be removed.
Please send comments and observations about these files to Kelvin Barwick ( and Brent Haggin ( Thanks!
Search the Taxonomic Toolbox
Browse the Taxonomic Toolbox
This list is in the “old” toolbox hierarchy (not reflecting any specific SCAMIT Edition X hierarchy). It contains about 100 files that need expert advice to determine where to place them in the standard Toolbox hierarchy (or whether to keep them at all).
This is just filler text to get us to the wrap margin. This is lame, but so it goes. Better suggestions are welcome! This is just filler text to get us to the wrap margin. This is lame, but so it goes. Better suggestions are welcome!