Taxonomic Publication Support

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In addition to our standardization program, SCAMIT supports the publication efforts of members through a Taxonomic Publication Grants program. Members interested in applying for a publication grant should read the following Taxonomic Publication Support Policy.

SCAMIT's Taxonomic Publication Support Policy

  1. The officers will decide at the beginning of each grant season whether there are sufficient funds to offer grants. The amount available for any grant season will not exceed 25% of the total moneys in the SCAMIT accounts as of the first day of the grant season. The available amount will be determined by the Treasurer. This policy is subject to change at the discretion of the duly elected officers.
  2. If money is available, applications for publication support will be accepted between June 1st and December 1st of each year. An announcement to this affect will be posted on the SCAMIT web site.
  3. Accepted grants will be announced and the disbursement of funds will be completed prior to April 30th of the following year.
  4. Support will be limited to publications that are pertinent to the purpose and goals of the Association as outlined in Article 2 of the constitution.
  5. Disbursement of funds directly to the party or parties providing the professional services is preferred.
  6. Funds shall only be granted in support of costs associated with the completion of works intended for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
  7. Funds shall be offered for the defraying of costs to prepare a manuscript (e.g. typing, text processing), illustrations (e.g. drawings, photos, SEM), journal page charges, and open access fees.
  8. No support will be provided for travel, time, or any costs incurred in the development or conduct of the research leading to the preparation of the manuscript.
  9. Authors receiving SCAMIT support shall agree to acknowledge that support in the publication.
  10. Support is provided only to members in good standing.
Applications are available from the Secretary at:
Megan Lilly
Public Utilities Department, City of San Diego